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As we watch our country, states, and communities continue to become something we never wanted, it's our job to turn this around. Our future is at stake. The lives of our children and grandchildren depend on us working like never before in this moment. Patriots don't settle for lost freedom. This is a book of best practices and solutions acquired over two decades to help us peacefully reclaim the freedom that was granted to us long ago. As our freedom of speech is threatened, it's time to use the greatest weapon against tyranny that God gave us, and it's located right on our faces: our mouths. Whether you are a liberty-loving candidate for office or a person who wants to get the right people elected, this book will make you think. It will help you organize, give you an easy way to win voters, introduce new ideas, and provide you with practical steps to achieve the victories we need to protect our lives, liberties, and property. We get the government we allow, so let's start winning. |
"As a person that has a hard time reading more than 10-12 pages at a time, I've had a hard time putting this book down. I like things that challenge my thinking and this book has both confirmed things I believe true, and changed a few that I now see as flawed. Excellent book!" "I have just finished reading Brett Roger's 'THE GOAL IS TO WIN.' I spent more highlighter ink in this recipe for success than in any other tome of its type in my recent memory. It's a compelling read for any worthwhile grassroots endeavor. Its message is gently engraved on the mind of the reader from start to finish, using a simple approach and easy-to-understand analogies. Terrific lessons on how to WIN: organize, network, volunteer, tell the People's story not your own, never insult, never let a lie be told about you or your issue, be prepared before you start. Know your grievances for the change sought, write them down, and use your mouth. Brett reminds us, 'Talk is cheap, so do a lot of it!' His instruction to obey is key, if you are called. Do the work whether you prevail or not, lie down at night knowing you did all you could, and don't hide that light under a basket. My copy is worn, marked up, and creased. It will be passed around and more will be purchased as gifts for those I respect. I recommend it without reservation." "A must read for every conservative activist, candidate, or campaign worker. The Goal is to Win breaks down the art of winning into simple easy to understand and accomplish steps for victory. The principles in this book will be a game changer for years to come." "I just finished this great book. The last four chapters are fantastic. I've learned more from Brett's book than any classroom could ever teach! If you're planning a run for office, you need this book. If you're working for a candidate, you need this book! If you're a Grassroots activist, you must have this book!" "Excellent book!! Strong and on target messages and very well written." "Brett Rogers' book is not just a guide, it's a battle plan for every patriot ready to take back our country from the corruption of big government and lobbyists. It is an eye-opener for anyone considering a run for office or those fighting alongside the candidates willing to defend our God-given rights. Rogers delivers hard-hitting truths: 'The only number that matters is 51% - we don't need more voters, we need informed voters, fighting for freedom.' This is the blueprint for victory! From protecting life, liberty, and property to keeping your footing while the opposition slings mud, and believe me - they will sling it. No grassroots campaign should be without this information, it is an absolute must-read! If your candidate doesn't know these strategies, hand them this book before they step onto the battlefield." "The Goal is to Win is a literacy journey mix of historical capability, along with modern day accountability. Foundations of conservative values are layered throughout the book. Additionally, the symbolism between modern issues seems to be consistently woven back to the Founding Fathers visions. Simple and clever quotes, marketing, organization, messaging and call to actions are consistent. A humble grassroots Guide for a successful mission! I highly recommend this book if you work in campaign politics or thinking about running for office." "After reading this book, I realized it's not a super complicated task we have before us. It's an involvement issue. I throughly enjoyed reading an eye opening, common sense way for us to take back our State and Country. Brett lays out, in an easy to digest formula, something each of us can do. You will enjoy reading it over and over again to see what I saw, it's not complicated, its involvement. I highly recommend it for any Texas loving, American loving conservative Christian who cherishes their Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness." |